Table 3. Elaboration of Tumor Spread Based on TNM Staging.
T | Tumor size |
TX | The primary tumor cannot be assessed. |
T0 | No evidence of primary tumor. |
Tis | Carcinoma in situ (DCIS, or Paget disease of the breast with no associated tumor mass) |
T | Tumor is 2 cm (3/4 of an inch) or less across. |
T1mi | Microinvasive carcinoma: tumor is 0.1 cm or less across. |
T2 | Tumor is more than 2 cm but not more than 5 cm (2 inches) across. |
T3 | Tumor is more than 5 cm across. |
T4 | Tumor of any size growing into the chest wall or skin. |
N | Node involvement |
NX | Nearby lymph nodes cannot be assessed. |
N0 | No spread to nearby lymph nodes. |
N1 | Cancer has spread to fewer than three lymph nodes located on the underarm or has spread to any number of lymph nodes located near the breastbone (internal mammary lymph nodes). |
N2 | Cancer has spread to four or more lymph nodes located on the underarm or has spread to lymph nodes located in the chest outside of the underarm. |
N3 | Cancer has spread to lymph nodes located in the neck. |
M | Metastasis |
MX | Distant spread cannot be assessed |
M0 | There is no evidence of distant metastases |
M1 | There is evidence of distant metastases. |
TNM stage: tumor, node, metastasis stage; DCIS: ductal carcinoma in situ.