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. 2024 Dec 23;15:1412235. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2024.1412235


Demographic, baseline clinical characteristics of SA-AKI patients.

Variables All patients (n = 48) Survivors (n = 22) Non-survivors (n = 26) t/χ 2 /Z P-value
Age (y) a 61.5 ( 62.500 ( 60.500 ( −0.031 0.975
Male sex, n (%) d 37 (77.08) 16 (72.73) 21 (80.77) 0.436 0.509
WBC (×109/L) a 11.808 ( 9.689 ( 12.423 ( −0.538 0.591
NEUT%, (%) c 89.818 ± 7.683 91.96 ± 8.41 88.00 ± 6.64 1.823 0.075
HGB, (g/L) a 96.28 (81.13,118.19) 102.080 (81.6,120.9) 89.725 (80.3,116.4) −0.859 0.39
PLT (×109/L) a 102.46 (50.83,142.42) 121.955 (57.9,140.0) 57.855 (50.3,168.8) −0.393 0.694
sCr (μmol/L) a 213.596 (172.90,354.67) 329.086 (171.4,359.3) 206.208 (173.6,271.4) −0.869 0.385
BUN (mmol/) c 22.724 ( 19.372 ( 26.725 ( −2.359 0.018*
CO2 (mmol/L) a 21.385 ( 21.295 ( 21.400 ( −0.331 0.741
ALB (g/L) a 29.38 ± 3.883 29.84 ± 3.91 28.99 ± 3.89 0.744 0.461
AST (U/L) a 86.1 (55.08,234.82) 73.185 (43.7,246.8) 93.060 (77.2,167.4) −0.879 0.379
ALT (U/L) a 49.72 (33.66,205.64) 59.180 (27.6,219.1) 48.880 ( −0.186 0.852
TBIL (μmol/L) a 28.38 (14.21,255.03) 26.495 ( 244.199 (14.7,478.1) −3.021 0.003**
DBIL (μmol/L) a 21.474 (7.45,213.74) 12.907 ( 204.665 (7.2,440.6) −2.193 0.028*
IBIL (μmol/L) a 9.695 ( 8.623 ( 35.287 ( −3.414 0.001**
PCT (ng/mL) a 23.545 ( 24.544 ( 22.903 ( −1.076 0.282
SA-AKI stage III, n (%) b 45 (93.75) 19 (86.36) 26 (100.00) 3.782 0.052
APACHE II a 20.729 ± 8.22 19.82 ± 10.71 21.50 ± 5.42 −0.668 0.509
SOFA a 10 ( 8.500 ( 12.000 ( −3.104 0.002**
Mechanical ventilation, n (%) d 17 (35.42) 2 (9.09) 15 (57.69) 12.306 0.000**
Need of vasopressor, n (%) d 20 (41.67) 5 (22.73) 15 (57.69) 5.994 0.014*
Oliguria, n (%) d 19 (39.58) 9 (40.91) 10 (38.46) 0.03 0.863

Abbreviations: WBC, white blood cell; NEUT%, neutrophil%; HGB, haemoglobin; PLT, platelet; sCr, serum creatinine; BUN, urea nitrogen; ALB, albumin; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase; TBIL, total bilirubin; DBIL, Direct bilirubin; IBIL, Indirect bilirubin; PCT, procalcitonin; APACHE II Score, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II, Score; SOFA, Score, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.


Values are expressed as median (interquartile range) (Mann–Whitney U-test).


Values are expressed as number (percentage) (Fisher’s exact test).


Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (Student’s t-test).


Values are expressed as number (percentage) (continuous correction chi-square test).

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.