The inhibitory effects of PRIMA‐1met (PRI) alone, L‐OHP alone and their combinations on CRC cell lines. The combination of PRI and L‐OHP at the indicated ratios of 1:0.2 for HCT116 (A), 1:0.6 for RKO (B), 1:2 for HCT15 (C), 1:2 for SW620 (D), and 1:1.3 for DLD‐1 (E) enhanced cytotoxicity in CRC cells with different p53 statuses compared to either of single drug treatment. Following 48 h of treatment with the two drugs, cell proliferation was estimated using the CCK‐8 proliferation assay, and the percentage was normalized to the DMSO control (ctrl). Each experiment was performed in triplicate, and error bars represent the standard error of the mean (SEM). Black lines indicate the comparison between combination treatment vs. PRI alone or L‐OHP alone. *p < 0.01; ^p < 0.05; ns; not significant. wt, wild type; mut, mutant.