Part.A primary | Part.A auxiliary | Part.C primary | Part.A auxiliary | DSC | HD | |
MIPC-Net | PAM | ChannelPool | CAM | PositionPool | 80.00 | 19.32 |
MIPC-Net | PAM | ChannelPool | PositionPool | CAM | 78.87 | 21.55 |
MIPC-Net | ChannelPool | PAM | CAM | PositionPool | 79.10 | 26.38 |
MIPC-Net | ChannelPool | PAM | PositionPool | CAM | 79.11 | 24.27 |
The bold values indicate the best performance among all the methods compared in each respective evaluation metric. For each row in a table, the bold number represents the method that achieves the highest score or lowest error on that particular metric, demonstrating its superior performance relative to the other approaches.