Resting |
Motionless (fins not moving). Body in contact with a surface (ground, object, plant, side of tank, water surface). |
Hovering |
‘Hanging’ motionless in the water column, body not in contact with any surface. Pectoral fins typically moving. |
Sinking or floating |
Not actively swimming or moving fins, but fish sunk downward or floated upward. |
Swimming |
Irregular, non-stereotypic, varied routes and speeds. |
Stereotypical swimming |
Repetitive movements with no clear objective or outcome - e.g. pacing back and forth, circling. Considered once a movement has been performed 3 times in a row. Pacing is ‘broken’ if fish deviates significantly off course. |
Interaction with the walls |
Fish makes contact with a surface while moving, either the ground or the side walls. No time limit (e.g. doesn’t have to occur for 3 seconds to count). Does not include resting even if fish resting against a surface. |
Out of view |
Fish behaviour cannot be observed. |
Nest building |
Fish creates bubbles on the water surface and either hovers underneath or continuously puts mouth to water surface to build a nest. |
Foraging |
Fish appears to be searching for, then ‘nipping’ at small food items on the floor or on/under items. |
Unsure |
Behaviour cannot be confidently assigned into one of the above categories. |