(a) Room-temperature
trEPR spectra for powders of Anthracene:TCNB,
1-AAN:TCNB, 1,5-DAAN:TCNB, and 9-AAN:TCNB taken 400 ns after laser
flash. (b) Spin inversion and Hahn-Echo pulse sequences with the delay
after flash (τDAF) equal to 0. (c) Measurements of T1, and (d) Tm at
10 K fitted with monoexponential decay functions (orange dashed lines).
(e) Variable temperature measurements with T1, fitted according to direct and Raman relaxation processes.
Pulsed experiments were performed at 2950 G for 9-AAN:TCNB and 1-AAN-TCNB,
and 3900 G for Anthracene:TCNB to approximate the canonical Tx–Ty transition. All data was collected
using 500 nm light, 3.5–4.5 mJ/pulse, 5–7 ns pulses.