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. 2024 Nov 27;16(1):e03268-24. doi: 10.1128/mbio.03268-24

Fig 1.

CRISPR-Cas9 screening workflow in 293F cells for AAV5 transduction, followed by gene sorting and NGS analysis to identify essential genes. Scatterplot displays significant genes involved in various cellular processes, with enrichment scores and P-values.

The genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screen identifies host factors required for rAAV5 transduction. (A) Diagram of genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 gRNA library screen. Suspension 293 F cells were transduced with a lentiviral vector carrying spCas9 and a blasticidin resistance gene followed by blasticidin selection. Blasticidin-resistant spCas9-expressing cells (1 × 108) were then transduced with the Brunello lentiCRISPR gRNA lentiviral library and selected with puromycin to obtain Cas9/sgRNA-expressing 293 F cells. The selected cells were cultured and expanded to 2 × 108. Among them, 1 × 108 cells were harvested for genomic DNA (gDNA) extraction as the control (gDNASort0), whereas the other 1 × 108 cells were transduced with mCherry-expressing rAAV5. Flow cytometry was performed at 3 days post-transduction (dpt), and the top 1% mCherry-negative (mCherry−) cells were collected and expanded to 2 × 108 as the Sort 1 cells. We used 1 × 108 cells from this population for gDNA extraction (gDNASort1), and another 1 × 108 cells for the second round screening of rAAV5 transduction. The mCherry− cells from this round collected from cell sorting were expanded to 1 × 108 for gDNA extraction (gDNASort2). The gDNA samples were subjected to NGS and bioinformatics analysis. (B) Enrichment of genes from the second round screen of mCherry− cells. NGS analyses were aimed at the sgRNA recognition sequences present in the mCherry− cell population, which identified the disrupted target genes at these sites. The x-axis represents genes targeted by the Brunello library, grouped by gene ontology analysis. The y-axis shows the enrichment score [-log10] of each gene based on MAGeCK analysis of the sgRNA reads in gDNASort2 vs. gDNASort0. Each circle represents a gene, with its size indicating the statistical significance [-log10] of enrichment when comparing gDNASort2 to gDNASort0. The color of each circle represents the function of the genes. Only genes with an enrichment score greater than 104 are shown.