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. 2024 Dec 26;265(2):123–131. doi: 10.1002/path.6380

Table 1.

Summary of clinical and laboratory results of cases investigated.

Thyroid lobe involved Diagnosis Clinical stage Serology Immunophenoytpe NGS‐based IG clonality analysis Genetic changes and tumour clonal evolution* Treatment Clinical outcome
Case 1: 67‐year‐old female with 5‐year history of HT
Right lobe Original diagnosis of HT, but EMZL on review IE



CD10−, BCL6−, BCL2+ Clonal IGHV4‐34/JH6 (FR1‐JH primers)

BCL2 trans−ve

BCL6 trans−ve

Shared mutations: 2

Unique mutations: 14 in first lesion, 14 in second lesion

Right lobectomy Progressed to EMZL 36 months later
Left lobe EMZL IE TgAb+

CD10−, BCL6−, BCL2+

Failed to amplify

BCL2 trans−ve

BCL6 trans−ve

Evolution: divergent from clonally related lymphoma precursor cells Total residual resection and local radiation (30.6 Gy) CR and alive at last follow‐up (15 months after treatment)
Case 2: 59‐year‐old female with 2‐year history of HT
Left lobe Original diagnosis of HT, but EMZL on review IE



CD10−, BCL6− Identical clonal IGKVD3‐20/JK2 rearrangement (IGK Tube A)

BCL2 trans−ve

BCL6 trans−ve

Shared mutations: 17

Unique mutations: 1 in first lesion, 4 in second lesion

n/a Open biopsied (resection), otherwise no other active treatment, but progressed to EMZL 31 months later
Both lobes EMZL IE




BCL2 trans − ve

BCL6 trans − ve

Evolution: divergent from clonally related lymphoma precursor cells Total thyroidectomy CR and alive at last follow‐up (18 months after treatment)
Case 3: 76‐year‐old female with 6‐year history of HT
Right lobe EMZL IE



CD10−, BCL6−,

MYC+ (<5%)

Failed to amplify BCL2 trans−ve BCL6 trans−ve MYC trans −ve

Shared mutations: 3

Unique mutations: 14 in first lesion, 106 in second lesion

Local radiation (38 Gy) Achieved CR, but relapse 8 years later
Right lobe DLBCL IIE



CD10−, BCL6+, MUM1−, MYC+ (~70%) Clonal IGHV3‐15/JH4 rearrangement (FR2‐JH primers)

BCL2 trans−ve

BCL6 trans−ve

IGH::MYC trans +ve

Evolution: divergent from clonally related lymphoma precursor cells R‐CHOP × 6 Achieved CR, died of infection due to MDS 36 months later
Case 4: 57‐year‐old male with HT diagnosed together with initial lymphoma
Right lobe DLBCL IIE TgAb+ CD10+, BCL6+, BCL2+, MUM1−, MYC+ (~50%) Identical clonal IGHV3‐7/JH4 rearrangement (FR2‐JH primers) BCL2 trans−ve BCL6 trans−ve

Shared mutations: 1

Unique mutations: 14 in first lesion, 10 in second lesion

Local radiation (36 Gy) and R‐CHOP Achieved CR, but lymphoma relapsed 7 years later
Left lobe DLBCL IIIE TgAb+ TPOAb‐ CD10+, BCL6+, MYC+ (~15%), MUM1−

BCL2 trans−ve

BCL6 trans−ve

Evolutionary: divergent from clonally related lymphoma precursor cells R‐ICE × 2, followed by BMT Achieve CR, alive at last follow‐up (29 months after treatment)
Case 5: 65‐year‐old female with no previous history of HT
Left lobe EMZL IE



CD10−, BCL2+, BCL6− Failed to amplify BCL2 trans−ve BCL6 trans+ve

Shared mutations: 21

Unique mutations: 1 in second lesion

Local radiation (36 Gy) Achieved PR, but disease progressed 10 months later
Right lobe EMZL IE



CD10−, BCL6−, BCL2+

BCL2 trans−ve

BCL6 trans+ve

Evolution: linear progression Total thyroidectomy & R‐CHOP x 3 Achieved CR, alive at last follow‐up (57 months after treatment)
Case 6: 60‐year‐old female with 39‐year history of HT, positive for EBV
Right lobe EMZL IIE



CD10−, BCL6+, MYC+ <5%, EBER negative n/a

BCL2 trans−ve

BCL6 trans−ve

MYC trans−ve

Shared mutations: 23

Unique mutation: 20 in second lesion

R‐CHOP (number of cycle unknown) CR and alive at last follow‐up (39 months after treatment)
DLBCL CD10−, BCL6+, MYC+ (~30%), EBER positive

BCL2 trans−ve

BCL6 trans−ve MYC trans+ve

Evolutionary: linear progression
Case 7: 73‐year‐old female with 4‐month history of HT
Both lobes FL3A IIE TgAb+ TPOAb‐ CD10−, BCL6+, BCL2+ n/a BCL2 trans−ve BCL6 trans−ve

Shared mutations: 1

Unique mutation: 28 in first lesion, 1 in second lesion

R‐CHOP×3 Achieved CR, then suspicious lymphoma relapse 48 months later
Both lobes HT n/a TgAb+ n/a

BCL2 trans−ve

BCL6 trans−ve

Evolutionary: divergent from clonally related lymphoma precursor cells Watch and wait Alive at last follow‐up (35 months after treatment)
Case 8: 62‐year‐old female with 2‐year history of HT
Left lobe HT n/a



n/a Identical clonal IGKV1‐12/KDE rearrangement (IGK tube B) n/a

Shared mutation: 8

Unique mutation: 9 in first lesion, 10 in second lesion

n/a Progressed to EMZL 5 years later
Right lobe EMZL IE n/a CD10−, BCL6−

BCL2 trans−ve

BCL6 trans−ve

Evolutionary: divergent from clonally related lymphoma precursor cells Local radiation (34 Gy) CR and alive at last follow‐up (48 months after treatment)
Case 9: 71‐year‐old female with a 30‐year history of HT
Left lobe HT n/a



n/a n/a n/a No mutations identified n/a Progressed to EMZL 12 months later
Left lobe and small low echoic spots in right lobe EMZL IE n/a CD10−, BCL6−

BCL2 trans−ve

BCL6 trans−ve

28 unique clonal mutations Total thyroidectomy CR and alive at the last follow up (8 months after treatment)
Case 10: 73‐year‐old female with no previous history of HT
Left lobe HT n/a



n/a n/a n/a No mutations identified n/a Progressed to EMZL 36 months later
Left lobe EMZL IIE



CD10−, BCL6−, BCL2+ BCL2 trans−ve BCL6 trans+ve 59 unique clonal mutations Total thyroidectomy and local radiation (50Gy) CR and alive at last follow‐up (7 months after treatment)

Abbreviations: BMT, bone marrow transplantation; CR, complete remission; DLBCL, diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; trans+ve: translocation positive; trans−ve: translocation negative; EMZL, extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa‐associated lymphoid tissue; FL, follicular lymphoma; HT, Hashimoto's thyroiditis; MDS, myelodysplastic syndromes; n/a, not available; PR, partial response; TgAb, thyroglobulin antibody; TPOAb, thyroid peroxidase antibody.


Only clonal variants with a variant allele frequency (VAF) >0.05 were included for lymphoma lesions, while all variants, including those seen in paired lymphoma specimens regardless of their VAF, were considered for the HT lesion.