Table 5.
Results of SER estimating associations of the five dimensions# of patriarchy and the two dependent variables, Indian districts
Variables | TFR | Excess female child mortality |
Domination of men over women | 0.007(0.026) | 1.953(0.423)** |
Domination of older generation over the younger generation | 0.024(0.020) | 0.497(0.336) |
Patrilocality | 0.021(0.002) | 0.462(0.316) |
Son preference | 0.143(0.025)** | 1.628(0.440)** |
Socio-economic domination | 0.084(0.022)** | 0.054(0.382) |
Pseudo R-Squared | 79.1 | 58.5 |
AIC | 718.3 | 4340.6 |
Spatial autocorrelation (Lambda) | 0.470(0.041)** | 0.341 (0.047)** |
Number of observations | 640 | 640 |
*p ≤ 0.05, **p < 0.01; Values in the parenthesis are standard errors; All specifications include the full set of controls
#Higher values on the five dimensions depict higher patriarchal norms