Defactinib in combination with anti-CD44 is additive/synergistic in preventing AML cell adhesion. (a) FC in non-adhered KG1a AML cells (mean ± SD) when treated with increasing doses of anti-CD44 alone, increasing doses of defactinib alone or in combination. Synergy plot (right) was generated using SynergyFinder software (version 3.0, (accessed on 15 February 2023)), showing an additive mean Bliss score of 1.627 (>1 = additive) and maximum of 4.39 (5 µg/mL + 5 µM). Results are compared to the no-treatment control, which is equal to 1. (b) Representative scatter plots of no drug, anti-CD44, defactinib and the combination of both, showing the proportions of total and CD34+ non-adhered primary AML cells after 2 min of acquisition on a Cytoflex S flow cytometer. This shows substantially more viable non-adhered CD34+ and CD34− AML cells in the presence of both anti-CD44 and defactinib than no drug or either alone. (c) Individual FC (compared to no drug) in viable non-adhered primary AML cell numbers (mean ± SD) when treated with increasing doses of anti-CD44, defactinib or both and co-cultured for 3 h with a confluent layer of autologous stromal cells. Different concentrations of anti-CD44 alone and defactinib alone versus the combination of both were determined using a one-way ANOVA, and the results are tabulated in Supplementary Table S5; all comparisons were significant. (d) Combined FC in non-adhered primary AML cells (n = 3, mean ± SD) when treated with increasing doses of anti-CD44 alone, increasing doses of defactinib alone or in combination. A representative synergy contour plot for patient AML13 (right) was generated using SynergyFinder and shows a mean Bliss score of 8.12 (>1 = additive) and a synergistic maximum of 18.74 (2.5 µg/mL + 2.5 µM; >10 = synergistic).