Figure 1.
Genes within the critical region of the QTL on BTA6 proximal to BM143 were ordered based on the cattle–human genome comparative map, 23 bovine BAC clones representing contig 503, with SPP1, IBSP, and LAP3 as anchors for the orthologous regions on HSA4. BM143 is indicated (in boldface type) as the most informative marker for the QTL in cattle. Polymorphism is displayed at the respective gene positions for the two sires 2278 and 3099, heterozygous for the QTL (+/–). For the diallelic markers the allele with the higher frequency is denoted 1, and the allele with the lower frequency is denoted 2. BM143 alleles were numbered consecutively from shortest to longest based on all alleles detected in the population. Shared haplotypes in concordance with the segregation status of the two sires for the QTL are displayed in red and blue.