(a) Frontal-limbic and frontal-parietal FCs were highly consistent in all the SZ diagnosis (TR-SZ vs. HC, NTR-SZ vs. HC, TR-SZ vs. NTR-SZ). (b) Consistent frontal-limbic, frontal-parietal and occipital-temporal FCs were correlated with the disease duration, PANSS negative and OLA-ED. (c) Classification accuracy comparisons over the three atlases under 2 feature selections, and 4 classifiers. Abbreviations (alphabetical order): AAL: automated anatomical labeling, ACC: accuracy, BNA: Brainnetome, FC: functional connection, HC: healthy control, IPL: inferior parietal lobule, LING: lingual gyrus, MTG: middle temporal gyrus, NAc: Nucleus accumbens, NTR-SZ: non-treatment-resistant schizophrenia, OLA-ED: equivalent doses of olanzapine, OLF: olfactory cortex, PAL: pallidum, PCUN: precuneus, PUT: putamen, RFE: Recursive Feature Elimination, SFM: Select From Model, TR-SZ: treatment-resistant schizophrenia, YEO: Yeo-Networks.