Table 1.
Participant characteristics stratified by sex.
Patients' characteristics | Male (n = 252) | Female (n = 143) | Total (n = 395) |
Age; median (IQR) (in years) | 57 (49–65) | 57 (47–66) | 57 (49–65) |
Age at first CVD event; median (IQR) (in years) | 52 (45–60) | 53 (45–63) | 53 (45–61) |
Duration since first CVD diagnosis; median (IQR) (in years) | 2 (1–5) | 2 (1–6) | 2 (1–6) |
Marital status; n (%) | |||
Not married | 5 (2.0) | 7 (4.9) | 12 (3) |
Married | 227 (90.1) | 97 (67.8) | 324 (82) |
Divorced/widowed | 20 (7.9) | 39 (27.3) | 59 (14.9) |
Education group; n (%) | |||
High | 104 (41.3) | 47 (32.9) | 151 (38.2) |
Middle | 114 (45.2) | 69 (48.3) | 183 (46.3) |
Low | 34 (13.5) | 27 (18.9) | 61 (15.4) |
Occupation status; n (%) | |||
Employed | 166 (65.9) | 41 (28.7) | 207 (52.4) |
Unemployed | 30 (11.9) | 80 (55.9) | 110 (27.8) |
Retired | 56 (22.2) | 22 (15.4) | 78 (19.7) |
Family history of CVD; n (%) | 64 (25.4) | 31 (21.7) | 95 (24.1) |
Diabetes; n (%) | 47 (18.7) | 22 (15.4) | 69 (17.5) |
Self‐reported smoking status; n (%) | 22 (8.7) | 0 (0) | 22 (5.6) |
Medication prescribed | |||
Antihypertensive drugs | 223 (88.5) | 122 (85.3) | 345 (87.3) |
Lipid‐lowering drugs | 181 (71.8) | 95 (66.4) | 276 (69.9) |
Antithrombotic agents | 197 (78.2) | 106 (74.1) | 303 (76.7) |
Blood parameters; median (IQR) | |||
HDL‐C (mmol/L) | 1.2 (1–1.3) | 1.3 (1–1.5) | 1.2 (1–1.4) |
Total‐C (mmol/L) | 4.7 (3.9–5.4) | 4.9 (4.1–5.9) | 4.7 (4–5.6) |
LDL‐C (mmol/L) | 2.7 (2.3–3.5) | 2.9 (2.3–3.9) | 2.8 (2.3–3.6) |
FPG (mmol/L) | 6.1 (5.5–7.3) | 5.9 (5.3–7.1) | 6.1 (5.4–7.2) |
Triglycerides (mmol/L) | 1.4 (1.2–2.1) | 1.4 (1.1–2) | 1.4 (1.1–2.1) |
Creatinine | 85.8 (72.1–106.1) | 67.2 (57.4–88.4) | 79.6 (63.7–101.7) |
Physical examination; median (IQR) | |||
SBP (mmHg) | 129 (117–141) | 130 (120–150) | 130 (117–146) |
DBP (mmHg) | 76 (70–83) | 75 (69–80) | 76 (70–82) |
WC (cm) | 89 (83–97) | 85 (78–93) | 87 (82–95) |
BMI (kg/m2) | 23.6 (22–25.7) | 23.9 (21.3–26) | 23.8 (21.9–25.8) |
Note: Categorical variables are presented as absolute numbers with percentages, and continuous variables are presented as medians with IQRs.
Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index, CVD = cardiovascular disease, DBP = diastolic blood pressure, FPG = fasting plasma glucose, HDL‐C = high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol, IQR = interquartile range, LDL‐C = low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol, SBP = systolic blood pressure, Total‐C = total cholesterol, WC = waist circumference.