PIR+D treatment increases stability of wastewater monitoring. To exclude seasonal effects, we assessed time series stability over comparable periods from April to October. Samples treated with the new inhibitor removal protocol (PIR+D) are from 2024 and samples without PIR+D treatment (w/o) are from 2023. The dashed line indicates our stability threshold of an MAE of 0.1 (GMRAE 26%); after implementing PIR+D, all wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) fell below this threshold, demonstrating improved stability. The number of observations differs due to a lower sampling frequency in 2024: WWTP Ruhleben (PIR+D: n = 50, w/o: n = 80), Schönerlinde (PIR+D: n = 54, w/o: n = 80), Waßmannsdorf (PIR+D: n = 53, w/o: n = 78). For full times series of measurements and fit of the spline, see Figure A2.