Simulated retrotransposon dynamics and sequence evolution. Copy
number versus generation under: (A) high excision rate
(V = 0.005) and stronger selection
(t = 1.5) or (B) low excision rate
(V = 0.00001) and weaker selection
(t = 1.25). Proportion of nucleotide changes that
are nonsynonymous under: (C) high excision and stronger
selection (parameter values as in A) and
(D) low excision and weaker selection (parameter values
as in B). Illustrated are copy number versus generation,
and patterns of substitution for 10 different simulation trials per
parameter combination. Other simulation parameters used were identical
in all runs and were: n = 50 individuals,
L = 500 insertion sites, E = 10
TEs per genome at start of simulation, transposition rate
U = 0.01, selection coefficient
s = 0.0005, per element probability of mutation
υ = 0.001, reduction in probability per nonsynonymous mutation
P = 0.2. Histograms of proportions of nonsynonymous
changes are based on sampling the haploid complement of elements from
10 individuals per trial at generation 10,000.