Adipocyte-specific PPARδ knockout does not affect
adipose tissue mass. (A) Southern blot analysis of
epidydimal white fat pad (WF), interscapular brown fat pad (BF), and
thigh skeletal muscle (SM) from mice carrying the
PPARδck/ck allele and an
aP2-CRE transgene. A 4.35-kb EcoRI
fragment represents the nonexcised PPARδck
allele, whereas CRE-mediated recombination yields a 13-kb
EcoRI fragment (see Fig. 1 and Materials and
Methods for further detail). Notice that CRE-dependent
conversion into the 13-kb band is substantial in white and brown fat
(lanes 2 and 3), and residual in skeletal muscle (lane 5).
(B) RNase protection analysis of PPARδ
transcript structure in the same mice. CRE-mediated deletion modifies a
210-nt-long protected fragment representing the full-length transcript
(see arrow) into a 70-nt-long fragment representing a functionally null
transcript devoid of its fourth exon (arrow, Bottom).
The assay reveals ≈50% aP2CRE-mediated deletion of
the full-length PPARδ mRNA in white fat (lanes 2 and 3
vs. lane 1), >80% in brown fat (lanes 5 and 6 vs. lane 4) and only a
marginal one in skeletal muscle (lanes 8 and 9 vs. lane 7). Specificity
controls with yeast tRNA and no RNase are shown in lanes 10 and 12,
respectively. (C and D) Relative weights
of interscapular brown fat pads (C) and epidydimal white
fat pads (D) in wt and PPARδ null mice,
and in PPARδck/ck mice in the absence (−)
or presence of the aP2-CRE transgene. The 2.5- to 3-fold
differences in adipose mass between wt and null mice
(Left) are not recapitulated by an adipose-specific gene
knockout (aP2-CRE vs. −, Right).