The VirB operon of the type IV secretion system in B.
melitensis is shown using the “pinned region” tool from
ERGO, which exploits the occurrence of best paired
bidirectional hits between ORFs among different organisms. The pinned
region for VirB8 (red arrow) shows the type IV secretion cluster from
Agrobacterium, Mesorhizobium,
Yersinia, and Xylella sp. Identically
colored arrows represent similar ORFs. Functions according to numbers
are channel protein VirB8 homolog (no. 1), ATPase VirB11 homolog (no.
2), channel protein VirB10 homolog (no. 3), channel protein VirB9
homolog (no. 4), channel protein VirB6 homolog (5),
attachment-mediating protein VirB5 homolog (no. 6), ATPase VirB4
homolog (no. 7), attachment-mediating protein VirB1 homolog (no. 8),
hypothetical protein (no. 9), ATPase VirD4 homolog (no. 10), DNA
recombination protein (no. 11), channel protein VirB3 protein (no. 12),
and hypothetical exported protein (no. 13).