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. 2005 Mar 31;9(3):R238–R245. doi: 10.1186/cc3508

Table 3.

Outcomes of patients with (cases) and patients without (controls) ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis

Outcome Cases (n = 55) Controls (n = 55) Pa
Duration of mechanical ventilation (days)
  Median (range) 17.0 (3–95) 8.0 (3–61) <0.001
  Mean ± SD 21.6 ± 16.0 13.3 ± 13.1
Length of ICU stay (days)
  Median (range) 24.5 (5–95) 12.0 (4–74) <0.001
  Mean ± SD 28.0 ± 15.7 17.6 ± 16.6
ICU mortality (n [%]) 16 (29) 20 (36) 0.294

aResults by univariate analysis. ICU, intensive care unit; SD, standard deviation.