Figure 4.
AhR is recruited to the sites of active transcription. AhR-deficient cells were transfected with GFP-AhR and treated for 1 h with 10 nM TCDD. Nascent RNA was labeled in situ by BrUTP incorporation. The cells were fixed, and nascent RNA was detected using anti-BrU antibody. GFP-AhR distribution and active transcription sites were visualized by deconvolution microscopy as described in MATERIALS AND METHODS (A–C). Single optical section from the middle of cell is shown. In the overlay (C), yellow indicates colocalizations. Areas marked by a rectangle are enlarged and shown as insets. The arrows point to the position of the linescan (D). In the linescan, the fluorescence intensity peaks for GFP-AhR and nascent RNA frequently coincided, indicating the recruitment of AhR to active transcription sites. In CCF analysis (E), a maximum Rp value and a peak around ΔX = 0 indicated a positively correlated, nonrandom colocalization between the distributions of GFP-AhR and active transcription sites. Bar, 2 μm.