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. 2005 Jun 22;102(29):10002–10005. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0503959102

Table 1. Model parameters, nominal values, and source.

Symbol Definition Units Nominal value Source
h Permanent burial rate of sediment P y−1 0.001 10
c P runoff coefficient y−1 0.00115 Calculated from ref. 27
F Annual agricultural import of P to the watershed per unit lake area g·m−2·y−1 31.6 27
h Outflow rate of P y−1 0.15 10
H Annual export of P from the watershed in farm products, per unit lake area g·m−2·y−1 18.6 27
m P density in the lake when recycling is 0.5 r g·m−2 2.4 10
r Maximum recycling rate of P g·m−2·y−1 0.019 10
q Parameter for steepness of f(P) near m Unitless 8 10
s Sedimentation rate of P g·m−2·y−1 0.7 10
W Nonagricultural inputs of P to the watershed prior to disturbance, per unit lake area g·m−2·y−1 0.147 Calculated from ref. 27
WD Nonagricultural inputs of P to the watershed after distrubance, per unit lake area g·m−2·y−1 1.55 Calculated from ref. 27

Areal unit; are based on the area of the lake, not the area of the watershed.