Table 2.
Details of cost calculation per clinical category
Item | Basis or details of calculation | Cost (in US$) |
Hospital & facility charges | Includes laboratory expenses, radiographs, CT-scans, biopsy expenses and medications | 143.0 (per day, per patient) |
Operating Room costs | Calculated according to the hours of OR use and consists of: | Up to 1 h : 303.0 |
i) scrubbed nurses' fee and OR expenses | 1–2,5 h: 445.0 | |
ii) anesthesiologist's assistant fee and sedative medications costs. | 3 h or more: 570.0 | |
Surgeon's Fees | Based on Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons | Biopsies (minor): 160.0 |
Association fees (suggested price list) | Medium surg.: 210.0 | |
Major surg.: 392.0 | ||
Anesthesiologist's Fees. | Based on Society of Anesthesiologists fees | Minor cases: 210.0 |
Major cases: 390.0 | ||
Radiation Therapy costs | 1) Radical Radiation Therapy for local control | Total for 1: 2,195.0 |
2) Post-op Radiation Therapy: | Total for 2: 885.0 | |
Chemotherapy costs | Daily total chemotherapy costs (hospitalization cost + medication costs) | 277.0 (per day, per patient) |
Other costs | 1) Leibinger or AO Titanium Reconstruction plates and screws | 1) 580.0 per case |
2) MEDPOR or other alloplastic material | 2) as needed | |
3) Intensive Care Unit | 3) ICU: 785.0 per day |