Figure 6.
Effects of diet on fluorescent LDL-CE and apoB uptake in aortas of C57BL/6 (A–F) and apoE–/– mice (G–L) fed a chow or SAT diet. Eight hours after a bolus injection of double-fluorescent LDL, C57BL/6 mice and apoE–/– mice fed for 12 weeks were sacrificed, and fluorescence in the arterial wall was determined as described in Methods. Fluorescent-labeled LDL (200 μg/ml) was labeled with ALEXA (left panels: A, D, G, and J) and BODIPY-C12 (middle panels: B, E, H, and K) to simultaneously trace whole and particle LDL-CE core, respectively. Overlay light microscope images (right panels: C, F, I, and L) were used to assess colocalization of ALEXA and BODIPY-C12. Each image was captured at the same fixed times for comparison. Experiments were performed on at least 5 different mice from each group, and representative images are shown at ×40 magnification.