Monoterpene biosynthesis in peppermint oil gland
secretory cells. In plants, two independent pathways are used in the
formation of the central precursors of isoprenoids, IPP, and DMAPP: the
cytosolic mevalonate pathway (A) and the plastidial
mevalonate-independent pathway (B; Lange et al., 2000b). Further
reactions include the conversion of IPP to DMAPP, catalyzed by IPP
isomerase (Ogura, 1999), followed by sequential condensation reactions
catalyzed by prenyltransferases (Ogura, 1999). These prenyl
diphosphates (e.g. geranyl diphosphates) undergo cyclizations and
subsequent secondary transformation (largely redox) reactions leading
to diverse isoprenoid end products (McGarvey and Croteau, 1995). In peppermint secretory cells, the mevalonate
pathway is blocked as indicated by dotted lines (McCaskill and Croteau,
1995), making these cells an excellent in vivo system for studying
herbicide effects on the mevalonate-independent pathway.