FIG. 3.
Bpt1p contributes to cadmium detoxification. Strains derived from ABC154 (A) and SM1058 (B) were tested for their capacity to tolerate CdSO4. An aliquot of cells at 0.1 OD, and serial 10-fold dilutions thereof, were spotted onto plates containing 0, 10, or 30 μM CdSO4 and incubated at 30°C for 3 days. The strains tested all harbor the insertless plasmid pSM217 to permit growth on SC-Ura drop-out media; they are (A) ABC154 (wild-type), ABC791 (bpt1Δ), ABC470 (ycf1Δ), and ABC794 (ycf1Δ bpt1Δ); and (B) SM1058 (wild-type), SM3794 (bpt1Δ), SM3851 (ycf1Δ), and SM3858 (ycf1Δ bpt1Δ).