Scale representation of the syntenic chromosomal region shared by human, mouse, and pufferfish at the Ellis-van Creveld locus. Orientation of the human short arm of chromosome 4 and mouse chromosome 5 is from telomere to centromere; Fugu scaffolds lack chromosomal assignation. The size of the syntenic region for each species appears in brackets, and genes are represented by full boxes above or below the line, depending on whether their direction of transcription is toward the centromere or telomere, respectively. CRMP1, the 3′ end of which overlaps with the 3′ end of EVC in human (Ruiz-Perez et al. 2000), is not in an equivalent position in pufferfish. The serine threonine kinase is not found in Fugu, and interrogation of the mouse and Fugu databases (DOE Joint Genome Institute; The Fugu Genomics Project) does not detect AC1 orthologues. NSG1 is a neuron-specific protein (Carlock et al. 1996), and STX18 is a member of the syntaxin family of protein receptors that are involved in vesicle docking (Hatsuzawa et al. 2000). This diagram is based on August 2002 data freeze of the human, mouse, and Fugu genome assemblies.