Figure 8.
Deletion of CEN1 results in a failure to duplicate basal bodies. cen1Δ knockout heterokaryon strains UCB8 and UCB9 were mated, and their progeny were analyzed at 17-, 24-, 48-, and 72-h time points by immunofluorescence microscopy. The monoclonal centrin antibody 20H5 was used along with an antibody that recognizes polyglutamic acid, which is prominent on modified tubulin at basal bodies. DNA is visualized with DAPI. WT is strain CU428 in logarithmic growth. Percentages refer to the proportion of cells with reduced numbers of basal bodies, with the images shown being representative (n = 200). Rescue refers to UCB8 × UCB9 progeny that were rescued by CEN1 transformed into a second site in the genome. In the WT and 17-h samples, 100% of cells had an apparently normal number of basal bodies. The oral apparatus is oriented on the right side of each panel. Bar, 10 μm.