Figure 2.
Structures of cells in various dgl1 tissues. A and B, Epidermal cell morphology of wild-type and dgl1-3 leaf blades, respectively. Arrows indicate stomatal cells. Cells with triangular, crescent, or round and small shapes are indicated in B by arrowheads. Bars = 50 μm. C, Distribution of the lengths of leaf blade surface cells of wild-type and dgl1-3 plants. D and E, Epidermal cell morphology in the tip regions of wild-type and dgl1-3 leaf blades, respectively. Bars = 50 μm. F and G, Cross sections of wild-type and dgl1-3 leaf blades, respectively. In dgl1, the bundle sheath cells (BSC) are vacuolated and arranged in a disordered fashion in double or triple layers. The mother cells (MC) are also enlarged. VS, Vascular bundles; MSC, mestome sheath cells; VE, vessels; PH, phloem; MT, mesophyll tissue. Bars = 100 μm. H and I, Longitudinal sections of wild-type and dgl1-3 roots stained with toluidine blue, respectively. Bars = 100 μm. Close-up views of the elongation zones are superimposed at the top right in each image. Bars = 50 μm. J and K, Longitudinal sections of the SAMs of wild-type and dgl1-3 plants stained with toluidine blue, respectively. Bars = 100 μm.