Fig. 4.
Electron micrographs, showing JN immunoreactivity in oligodendrocyte and myelin sheaths. (A and B) Electron micrographs of the cerebellum, showing JN in the cytoplasm of an oligodendrocyte (A), in the abaxons (open arrows), and, occasionally, in the adaxons (open arrowheads) but not in the compact layers of the myelin sheath (B). (C and D) On longitudinal sections of myelinated axons in cervical spinal cord (C) or corpus callosum (D), JN immunoreactivity was observed in the lateral few terminal loops (filled arrows) abutting the node of Ranvier. The axonal segment surrounded by the JN-positive lateral terminal loops is herewith defined as the juxtanode. (E and F) Schematic diagrams comparing the suggested (E) with the conventional (F) domains of myelinated axon. The internode is not shown. a, axon; Jn, juxtanode; JP, juxtaparanode; N, node of Ranvier; OL, oligodendrocyte; PN, paranode. (Scale bars: 1.0 μm in A, 0.5 μm in B, and 0.3 μm in C and D.)