Fig. 4.
The Stemphylium MAT1-1 mating-type region phylogeny contradicts the four-locus species phylogeny. Fused mating-type region sequences were monophyletic in the consensus tree (Left), but the species with the fusions were polyphyletic in the four-locus species consensus phylogeny (Right). Branches with <70% support in bootstrap and Bayesian analyses were collapsed. Branches in bold had 100% support in all analyses. Distribution of fused and separate mating-type regions is given by long vertical arrows. Short arrows represent conflicting inferred evolutionary origins of fused mating-type regions between the MAT1-1 region phylogeny and four-locus species phylogeny. Phylogenetic groups from ref. 24 and this study are given by the narrow vertical lines. The MAT1-1 tree has fewer taxa than the species phylogeny because of the absence of isolates of the opposite mating type.