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. 2005 Jun 29;6:163. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-6-163

Table 2.

Pathway significance. Pathways in the van 't Veer et al. [15] data set, ordered by significance and their number of transcription factors (TF) and downstream targets (DT). Also shown are Group Correlation Score (GCS) and Exclusive Group Correlation Score (EGCS) p-values. ER means both induced and repressed ER-pathway and (v) means that the pathway has been verified in a second experiment (see [14]).

Pathway # of TF # of DT GCS p-value EGCS p-value
IL-1 5 21 1e-04 4e-01
fMLP 9 27 4e-04 1e-01
TLR4 9 41 9e-04 1e-03
EDAR 6 41 3e-03 5e-02
ER-induced 1 50 3e-03 n/a
RANK 6 41 3e-03 5e-02
Oncostatin M 1 2 5e-03 n/a
PDGF 8 15 6e-03 2e-02
ER 1 77 7e-03 n/a
ER-induced(v) 1 5 7e-03 n/a
IL-4 – STAT6 1 6 8e-03 n/a
TGF-β network 7 23 1e-02 1e-02
EGF 12 53 1e-02 1e-02
ER (v) 1 7 2e-02 n/a
Insulin 7 45 2e-02 4e-02
VEGF 3 8 2e-02 2e-02
TNF-α 8 61 2e-02 5e-02
TPO 6 10 3e-02 2e-02
PRL 6 10 3e-02 2e-02
IFN 6 10 3e-02 2e-02
IL-10 2 7 5e-02 5e-02
IL-12 – STAT4 1 3 7e-02 n/a
c-Kit 4 87 8e-02 6e-02
ER-repressed 1 27 1e-01 n/a
B-cell antigen receptor 4 10 3e-01 3e-01
T-cell antigen receptor 4 10 3e-01 3e-01
Wnt pathway 2 8 4e-01 3e-01
ER-repressed (v) 1 2 6e-01 n/a
IL-2 – STAT5 2 4 8e-01 7e-01