NS cells were derived from independent ES cell lines (CGR8, E14Tg2a) or primary cortical (Cor-1) and striatal (Str-1) tissue.
(A) RT-PCR of stem cell/radial glia markers.
(B) RT-PCR for pan-neural and region-specific transcriptional regulators.
(C) Double immunostaining for Pax6 and Pax6/RC2 (a,b), Olig2 and Olig2/RC2 (c,d) and Olig2/Pax6 (f). DAPI only for Olig2/Pax6 (e).
(D) The ES cell–derived line (CGR8-NS) and foetal cell–derived line (Cor-1) are indistinguishable from LC1 by morphology and NS cell/radial glial marker immunoreactivity (g,h,k,l), and can each differentiate into neurons (i,m) and astrocytes (j,n).
(E) The ability of Cor-1 to generate neurons (TuJ1+) is retained after 16 passages, more than 30 generations (p,o).