Fig. 4.
fXa decreases TNF-induced expression of specific MAPK phosphatases. Time course of relative expression of the phosphatases in HUVECs stimulated by fXa (10 nM), TNF (5 ng/ml), or both, as detected by real-time PCR by using specific primers for (A) PP2A, (B) MKP-L, (C) MKP-4, (D) MKP-5, or (E) MKP-7. (F) Effect of fXa (10 nM) on TNF-induced (5 ng/ml) protein expression of MKP-5 as detected by immunofluorescent staining in HUVECs stimulated for 60 min. a–d represent immunofluorescent staining using anti-MKP-5, whereas e–h represent DAPI staining of the corresponding field. (G) Effect of fXa (10 nM) on TNF-induced (5 ng/ml) protein expression of MKP-7 as detected by immunoblotting with anti-MKP-7 in HUVECs stimulated for 60 min.