FIG. 1.
Generation of a gene-disrupted mouse of Ndel1 [Ndel1cko(III), Ndel1ko(III)]. (A) Summary of targeting strategy for the Ndel1 locus. A diagrammatic representation of the targeting vector and genomic loci of Ndel1 gene is shown. Exons are represented by gray boxes. In this gene targeting, Ndel1 function was expected to be intact (Ndel1cko(III)). Exon 3 was removed by CRE-mediated recombination to inactivate Ndel1 function [Ndel1ko(III)]. (B) Southern blot analysis of tail DNA from wild-type (+/+, lane 1) and heterozygous mutant (+/−, lanes 2 and 3) animals. (C) Southern blot analysis of tail DNA from deletion mutant (+/del, lane 1), wild-type (+/+, lane 2), and heterozygous mutant (+/loxP, lane 3) mice. CRE-mediated deletion of exon 3 was evaluated by Southern blotting. Note the difference in band sizes after deletion. We used Ndel1ko(III) as a Ndel1+/− in the all experiment.