Figure 3.
RFP expression in CAG::mRFP1 postimplantation embryos. Bright field and dark field epifluorescent images of CAG::mRFP1 Tg/+ embryos and non-transgenic littermates at E6.5 (A), E7.75 (B), E8.75 (C). CAG::mRFP1 Tg/+ embryos, CAG::EGFP Tg/+ embryos and non-transgenic littermates at E11.5 (D). E15.5 CAG::mRFP1 Tg/+ fetuses and non-transgenic littermates at (E) demonstrating widespread homogenous red fluorescence throughout later development in whole embryos, dissected embryonic tissues (G and H) and extraembryonic tissues including the placenta (F). (H), cardiothoracic organs from three embryos of different ages, E13.5 (left), E14.5 (center) and E15.5 (right), only two of which are hemizygous for the transgene). Ad, adrenal gland; bl, bladder; h, heart; ki, kidney; lu, lung; te, testis; th, thymus.