Developmental stage-dependent expression of the lacZ gene in chicken embryos transduced using retroviral vectors. (a) Structure of the MSCV/NΔAβ and LNRβ retroviral vectors. neor, neomycin resistance gene; lacZ, bacterial β-galactosidase gene; LTR, long terminal repeat from MoMLV (LNRβ) or MSCV (MSCV/NΔAβ); PRSV, Rous sarcoma virus promoter; Pact, chicken β-actin promoter; ψ+ or ψ, virus packaging signal sequence from MSCV (MSCV/NΔAβ) or MoMLV (LNRβ). (b to g) X-Gal staining of chicken embryos injected with the MSCV/NΔAβ viral vector at 0 h (b), 24 h (c), 36 h (d), 50 h (e), 55 h (f), or 60 h (g) of incubation. Scale bar, 5 mm. (h to k) X-Gal staining of gonads obtained from 21-day embryos injected with the MSCV/NΔAβ viral vector at 0 h (h and i) or 55 h (j and k) incubation. Scale bar, 1 mm. (l) β-Galactosidase activity in cell lysates from embryos injected with the MSCV/NΔAβ or LNRβ viral vector after various periods of incubation.