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. 2005 Jul;18(3):446–464. doi: 10.1128/CMR.18.3.446-464.2005


Randomized, controlled trials of vitamin A in relation to T-cell functiona

Study site (reference[s]) Intervention groups Population End point Result for the indicated measure of effectb P value
South Africa (28) Vitamin A (200,000 IU, or 100,000 IU if <12 mo) vs placebo on days 0, 2, 8, and 42 60 infants age 4-24 mo hospitalized with measles Lymphocyte count (109/liter) Difference at day 42 Change from day 0 to day 42 IL-2 (IU/ml) at day: 8 42 Vitamin A 8.10 3.40 1.76 1.74 Placebo 6.45 1.96 1.72 1.70 0.05 0.06 >0.05 >0.05
Indonesia (132) Vitamin A (200,000 IU) vs placebo, 55 children age CD4/CD8 ratio at 5 wk from Vitamin A Placebo
single dose, 2 wk before antitetanus 3-6 yr. 30 supplementation 1.32 0.97 <0.0001
immunization xerophthalmic % CD4 naive T cells at 5 wk Higher in vitamin A group
Change in T-cell subsets after 5 wk
CD4/CD8 ratio Significant increase, P < 0.007 No significant change
% CD4+ CD45RA+ Significant increase, P < 0.003 No significant change
% CD4+ CD45RO+ No change in any group, no significant difference in change
% CD8+ CD45RA+ No change in any group, no significant difference in change
% CD8+ CD45RO+ Significant decrease No significant change
Guinea-Bissau (13) Vitamin A (100,000 IU) at age 6 mo vs placebo 276 infants T-cell subset change between 6 and 9 mo of age Vitamin A No vitamin A
    % CD4 −0.11 0.45 0.31
    % CD8 1.21 1.61 0.21
    CD4/CD8 ratio −0.15 −0.07 0.26
Vitamin A (100,000 IU) at age 6 and 9 mo vs placebo 185 infants T-cell subset change at 18 mo Vitamin A No vitamin A
    % CD4 2.50 −2.72 0.07
    % CD8 −1.93 0.49 0.12
    CD4/CD8 ratio 0.28 −0.20 0.06
South Africa (66) Vitamin A (200,000 IU) on 2 consecutive days vs placebo 75 HIV+ infants Absolute lymphocyte count at 4 wk Vitamin A Placebo
    CD4 cell count at 4 wk Increase
    CD56 cell count at 4 wk Increase
    CD29 cell count at 4 wk Increase
Vitamin A Placebo
South Africa (76) Vitamin A (5,000 IU) + β-carotene (30 mg) daily during pregnancy + vitamin A (200,000 IU) at delivery to mothers vs placebo 33 infants born to 728 HIV+ women T-helper cell responses to HIV in cord blood (infants) Slightly more frequent in vitamin A arm but not significant
Tanzania (40,44-46) Vitamin A (5,000 IU) + β-carotene (30 mg) daily during 1,078 HIV+ Woman's T-cell subset counts (/μl) Vitamin A Placebo
pregnancy and breast feeding to mothers vs placebo pregnant women     CD4 at 6 wk postpartum 558 562 0.13
    CD4 at 30 wk postpartum 496 509 0.23
    Overall effect 0.29
    CD8 at 6 wk postpartum 1,061 1,094 0.32
    CD8 at 30 wk postpartum 943 909 0.26
    Overall effect 0.13
    CD3 at 6 wk postpartum 1,698 1,741 0.20
    CD3 at 30 wk postpartum 1,515 1,494 0.68
    Overall effect 0.25
393 HIV+ pregnant women IL-1β in CVL (μg/ml) 218c 219c 0.41
664 infants born to 1,078 HIV+ women Infant's CD4 cell count during first 2 yr No effect
Vitamin A (5,000 IU) + β-carotene (30 mg) daily for ≈3-5 yr 1,078 HIV+ women T-cell subsets (/μl) at >4 yr after enrollment
    CD4 434 449 0.30
    CD8 920 968 0.07
    CD3 1,425 1,497 0.05
United States (129) Vitamin A (200,000 IU) single dose vs placebo 120 HIV+ Vitamin A Placebo
injection drug users CD4 cells (/μl) at 4 wk 0.17
United States (65) Vitamin A (300,000 IU) single dose vs placebo 40 HIV+ women Vitamin A Placebo
% CD4 at 8 wk 0.56
% CD8 that are CD38+ >0.05
Lymphocyte proliferation in response to:
    PHA >0.05
    Candida >0.05
Kenya (5) Vitamin A (10,000 IU) daily for 6 wk vs placebo 400 HIV+ women T-cell subsets at 6 wk (/μl) Vitamin A Placebo
    CD4 272 225 0.04
    CD8 719 581 0.08
Italy (50) Vitamin A (≈1,500 IU) daily for 3 mo vs. placebo, in both 118 men and Total leucocytes (/μl) Vitamin A No Vitamin A
groups, half also received 25 mg zinc zulfate women age >65     Baseline 6,149 6,206
    Change from baseline 138 361 0.30
Lymphocytes (/μl)
    Baseline 1,977 1,942
    Change from baseline −73 62 0.05
CD3+ (/μl)
    Baseline 1,260 1,123
    Change from baseline −109 49 0.01
CD4+ (/μl)
    Baseline 712 711
    Change from baseline −125 −23 0.01
CD4+ DR+ (/μl)
    Baseline 76 70
    Change from baseline 6 18 0.12
CD8+ (/μl)
    Baseline 665 629
    Change from baseline −70 30 0.12
CD8+ DR+ (μl)
    Baseline 139 116
    Change from baseline −0.8 −0.7 0.64
CD4/CD8 ratio
    Baseline 1.17 1.16
    Change from baseline −0.10 −0.05 0.55
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
    Baseline 70 84
    Change from baseline 23 51 0.19
NK cells (/μl)
    Baseline 225 252
    Change from baseline −4 45 0.11
Vitamin A Control
Bangladesh (20) Vitamin A (200,000 IU intramuscularly) vs no intervention at the time of first of 3 antitetanus immunizations 91 children 1-6 yr % of positive cutaneous DTH responses (≥5 mm) to a protein derivative and Candida after 4 wk 29.5 31.9 >0.05
Zambia (116) Vitamin A (200,000 IU) single dose vs placebo 200 children age Cutaneous DTH response at 2 wk Vitamin A Placebo
5 mo-17 yr     % Children with reactions 44.4 61.3 0.04
hospitalized     Sum of indurations ≥2 mm 6.9 8.4 0.20
with measles     Mean induration per reaction 4.1 3.9 0.50
% of children unresponsive to specific antigens
    Tetanus 82.8 81.0 >0.05
    Diphtheria 81.8 82.5 >0.05
    Tuberculin (PPD) 86.6 72.1 <0.05
    Streptococcus 100.0 90.1 >0.05
    Candida 97.1 85.5 <0.05
    Trichophyton 97.1 92.8 >0.05
    Proteus 97.1 86.8 <0.05
IL-4, % change from baseline to 2 wk 9.0 35.0 0.18
Bangladesh (106) Vitamin A (50,000 IU) vs placebo at each time of DPT/OPV vaccination (0, 4, and 8 wk) 120 infants age 6-17 wk Cutaneous DTH response (% children) after 1 mo after last dose Vitamin A Placebo
    Tetanus 30.6 32.8 >0.05
    Diphtheria 30.6 22.4 >0.05
    Tuberculin (PPD) 59.7 46.6 >0.05
    Streptococcus 4.8 6.9 >0.05
    Candida 3.2 8.6 >0.05
    Trichophyton 1.6 3.4 >0.05
    Proteus 4.8 1.7 >0.05
    Total (sum induration) 72.6 67.2 >0.05
    Total among children with baseline retinol ≥0.7 μmol/liter 93.3 57.9 0.008
    Avg induration (mm) among children with baseline retinol ≥0.7 μmol/liter 7.0 4.2 0.01
% Anergic infants 27.4 32.8 >0.05

PHA: phytohemagglutinin; CVL: cervicovaginal lavage; DPT: diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine; OPV: oral polio vaccine; PPD: purified protein derivative;


All values presented are means unless noted otherwise. Verbal descriptions of results correspond to those in the indicated references when numerical data were not presented.

