FIG. 1.
Comparison of PhaZc amino acid sequences. A BLAST search using an intracellular 3HB-oligomer hydrolase amino acid sequence of Acidovorax sp. strain SA1 revealed several putative 3HB-oligomer hydrolases from PHB-accumulating bacteria. (A) Results of a multiple alignment using the Clustal W program (1.8.2). The candidate catalytic center is indicated by boldface type, and the lipase box is underlined. Asterisks indicate residues that are conserved in all proteins; colons indicate substitution of amino acid residues with very similar residues; and periods indicate substitution of amino acid residues with residues that are slightly less similar. (B) Phylogenetic tree. The cluster analysis was based on the neighbor-joining method. The numbers at the nodes are percentages of 1,000 bootstrap resamplings (only values greater than 50% are shown). The following proteins were included in the analyses: 3HB-oligomer hydrolase from Acidovorax sp. strain SA1 (SA1), predicted hydrolases from W. metallidurans (Wmet), R. solanacearum (Rsol), R. rubrum (Rrub), and R. sphaeroides (Rsph), and PhaZc from W. eutropha cloned in this study (Weut). The accession numbers of these proteins are AB044565, ZP_00276649, NP_519695, ZP_00268816, ZP_00007013, and AB180691, respectively.