Introduction of SuperFAK(K578/581E) into SYF cells rescues the ability of PKL to localize to focal adhesions. SYF cells were plated on fibronectin, transfected with GFP-PKL, G12VRac1, and either HA-FAK WT or HA-SuperFAK followed by labeling with Al-exa350-phalloidin and Anti-Hic-5 or HA 12CA5 to detect focal adhesion localization of Hic-5 and exogenous FAK, respectively. The capacity of PKL to localize to focal adhesions was then quantified as percentage focal adhesion localization. In the presence of WT-FAK only 12% exhibited GFP-PKL focal adhesion localization, whereas with SuperFAK, 50% of transfectants demonstrated PKL focal adhesion localization. Bar, 10 μm.