Figure 6.
Effects of PAK5 and MARK2 on the stability of microtubules and actin filament networks. CHO cells transfected with different YFP-PAK5 and YFP-MARK2 (green) constructs were cultured for 16 h, fixed, and costained with YL1/2- and TRITC-secondary antibody (MT-staining, red) or with anti-vinculin antibody and Cy5-secondary antibody, respectively (red). Actin was stained using rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin (red). Transfected cells are indicated by arrows. (A and B) In cells expressing wild-type YFP-MARK2 (A1 and B1), microtubules disappear (A2, arrow) and actin stress fibers are stabilized (B2). In contrast, constitutively active PAK5 (A4 and B4) stabilizes MT (A5), but the actin stress fibers are dissolved (B5). (C) Inactive PAK5 has no effect on stability of microtubules and actin networks (C1-6). (D) Active PAK5 causes a dissolution of focal adhesions (D1 and D2), whereas cells expressing inactive PAK5 or MARK2 show normal vinculin staining (D4, D5, D7, and D8).