Figure 3.
(A) Standard deviation of the expression ratio to the relative expression level for the PHASE-I cDNA array. Standard deviation of 10log transformed expression ratios for the 4 replicate spots of each gene (y-axis) plotted against the mean 10log transformed signal intensities (x-axis) for the corresponding dyes for all combinations of dyes and for the cDNA array. Regression lines are based on a power model. (B) Standard deviation of the expression ratio to the relative expression level for the Oligonucleotide array. Standard deviation of 10log transformed expression ratios for the 3 replicate spots of each gene (y-axis) plotted against the mean 10log transformed signal intensities (x-axis) for the corresponding dyes for all combinations of dyes and for the oligonucleotide array. Regression lines are based on a power model.