FIG. 1.
Percentage of subjects with elevated APP and soluble CAM. Solid bars represent PD− CVD− subjects, horizontal lines represent PD+ CVD− subjects, open bars represent PD− CVD+ subjects, and diagonal lines represent PD+ CVD+ subjects. Normal levels as reported by the kit manufacturers were as follows: CRP range, 0.6 to 1.9 μg/ml; SAA range, 1.0 to 10.0 μg/ml (reported mean, 3.0 to 4.0 μg/ml); AAG range, 512 to 869 mg/liter (mean, 683 mg/liter); ACT range, 356 to 596 mg/liter (mean, 476 mg/liter); ceruloplasmin range, 230 to 370 mg/liter (mean, 292 mg/liter); sVCAM range, 395 to 714 ng/ml (mean, 553 ng/ml); and sICAM range, 114.7 to 306.4 ng/ml (mean, 210.6 ng/ml).