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. 2003 Nov;93(11):1945–1952. doi: 10.2105/ajph.93.11.1945


Odds Ratios for 12-Month Major Depression: Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis (n = 7690)

Characteristic Odds Ratio for Depression 95% Confidence Interval
    White Reference
    African American 0.62 0.49, 0.79
    Hispanic 0.92 0.61, 1.38
    Female 1.39 1.17, 1.65
    Aged 60–65 years 0.61 0.49, 0.75
    Marital status
        Married/lives with partner Reference
        Divorced/widowed 1.53 1.14, 2.07
        Single 1.06 0.62, 1.83
    Lives alone 1.05 0.77, 1.43
    Has child 1.32 0.87, 1.98
    Has grandchild 0.92 0.71, 1.19
    Parent alive 1.06 0.83, 1.36
    Helps parent with basic activities 1.47 1.13, 1.91
Health needs
    Life-threatening condition(s) 1.60 1.31, 1.96
    Other chronic condition(s) 1.17 0.87, 1.58
    Physical limitation(s) 2.35 1.88, 2.94
    Any IADL limitation 1.25 0.88, 1.77
    Any ADL limitation 1.74 1.25, 2.43
    Current smoker 1.34 1.10, 1.64
    Alcohol use
         None in past 3 months Reference
         Less than 3 drinks/day 0.84 0.65, 1.08
        3 or more drinks/day 1.16 0.69, 1.92
    Lack of regular exercise 1.34 1.06, 1.69
Economic resources
    Education less than 12 years 1.05 0.85, 1.29
    Household income less than 25th percentile 0.96 0.73, 1.26
    Family wealth less than 25th percentile 1.20 0.87, 1.66
    Health insurance
        Private/other Reference
        Government only 1.28 1.01, 1.64
        No health insurance 1.49 1.10, 2.02
        Working Reference
        Retired/homemaker 1.28 0.99, 1.66
        Not employed 1.77 1.27, 2.48

Note. In instances in which 95% confidence intervals exclude 1, odds ratios and confidence intervals are shown in boldface. ADL = activities of daily living; IADL = instrumental ADL.