Figure 2.
Genetic and physical maps of the ska genomic region. Map of a 13.32-Mb genomic interval between markers D14Mit14 and D14Mit129 on mouse Chr 14. Genetic markers from transcription units (in blue) and polymorphic sequences in intragenic regions (in yellow) used to delimit the position of the ska mutation are highlighted. Primer sequences for these markers are tabulated in Supplementary Table 1. The Neuregulin3 intron-exon structure is indicated in the lower exploded view. Asterisks indicate Nrg3 introns, which contain polymorphic genetic marker(s). A/J bacteriophage λ clones (λA, B, and C) are indicated. The location of three A/J BAC clones (Chori27: 2G18, 2H17, and 8M5) and one B6 BAC clone (RP24-199A21) used to sequence the 75.6-kb candidate interval are indicated. A 2.5-kb gap in the Ensembl Celera genomic assemblies was sequenced and this location is indicated. The genomic contig spanning the ska critical region for both A/J and B6 strains will be deposited in GenBank. Haplotype data of informative recombinant inbred mice are shown. Each column represents the type of chromosome identified in these mice. A black square represents the B6 allele and an open square denotes the A/J allele.