Detection limits and relative potencies of various pyrogens in the MM6-CA8 culture test system
Pyrogen | Detection limita (relative potencyb) for the following cytokine:
IL-6 | TNF-α | IL-1 | |
Endotoxin | 0.00956 (1) | 0.0160 (1) | 0.0199 (1) |
PG | 2.34 (0.0041) | 30.0 (0.00053) | 61.0 (0.00033) |
SAC | 1,790 (0.0000053) | 14,400 (0.0000011) | 11,400 (0.0000017) |
Poly(I · C) | 200 (0.000048) | 266 (0.00006) | 727 (0.000027) |
The detection limit was defined as the minimum concentration of each pyrogen inducing a significant amount of cytokine production (greater than 2 standard deviations above that obtained with 0 ng of pyrogen/ml). Values are reported in nanograms per milliliter.
The cytokine-inducing potency of each pyrogen is expressed relative to that of endotoxin.