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. 2002 Jul;9(4):883–891. doi: 10.1128/CDLI.9.4.883-891.2002


Serological reactivity of TB antigen combinations in smear-positive and smear-negative TB (HIV-negative) patients and healthy PPD-positive and PPD-negative individuals

Patient status and origin n Smear No. of samples positive by ELISAa
38 kDa TbF6 TbF6 + DPEP (%)
    Brazil 105 + 60 82 90 (85.7)
39 14 21 25 (64.1)
    Total 144 74 103 115 (79.8)
    Philippines 40 + 14 21 30 (75.0)
11 4 5 6 (54.6)
    Total 51 18 26 36 (70.6)
    Turkey 11 + 9 9 9 (81.8)
    Sub-Saharan Africa 66 + 27 44 47 (71.2)
Class II TB (PPD positive)
    Africa 3 0 0 0
    Europe-Asiab 6 0 0 0
    Southeast Asia 7 2 1 0
    United States-Latin America 41 3 2 3c
    Total 57 5 3 3
Class 0 or I (PPD negative)
    Africa 1 0 0 0
    Europe-Asiab 3 0 0 0
    Southeast Asia 3 0 0 0
    United States-Latin America 22 1 1 1c
    Total 29 1 1 1
Healthy donor, United States 7/339 5/299 5/299

Positive values were greater than the mean + 3 SD of the healthy PPD-negative sera.


Primarily from Russia and its satellite regions endemic for TB.


At or near cutoff for ELISA.