nox-specific PCR (A) and RFLP (B) analyses of the five Brachyspira reference strains. (A) Lanes 1 to 5, B. hyodysenteriae B204, B. pilosicoli P43/6/78, B. intermedia AN26:93, B. innocens C336, and B. murdochii C301; lane 6, distilled H2O as a template; lane 7, HindIII-digested λ DNA. (B) Lanes 1 and 2, B. hyodysenteriae B204; lanes 3 and 4, B. pilosicoli P43/6/78; lanes 5 and 6, B. intermedia AN26:93; lanes 7 and 8, B. innocens C336; lanes 9 and 10, B. murdochii C301. Digestion was done with DpnII (odd-numbered lanes) and BfmI (even-numbered lanes). Lane 11, 100-bp DNA ladder. The small white numbers are fragment sizes (in base pairs).