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. 2002 Aug;40(8):2801–2805. doi: 10.1128/JCM.40.8.2801-2805.2002


Additional laboratory studies, pertussis outbreaks, New York, September 15, 1998 to November 14, 1999

Laboratory study nc Results of PCR for B. pertussis DNA
Private laboratory NYSDOH/WC
PCRa 33 20 PCR positive 8 PCR positive
13 PCR negative 25 PCR negative
QA testb 10 4 PCR positive for B. pertussis DNA 4 PCR positive for B. pertussis DNA
2 nonpertussis specimens PCR positive 6 nonpertussis specimens PCR negative
4 nonpertussis PCR negative

PCR for B. pertussis DNA was performed by the private laboratory and NYSDOH/WC pertussis laboratory on dual samples from the same patients.


Specimens were prepared by NYSHD/WC Proficiency Testing Laboratory (four with B. pertussis) and blind PCR tested by the private laboratory and NYSDH/WC pertussis laboratory.


n, no. of samples studied.