FIG. 1.
(A) Ribbon representation of the structure of the full-length eIF4A. The amino-terminal end is shown in brown, and the carboxyl-terminal end is shown in gold. The connecting flexible II residue linker is shown in black. The following domains are colored as indicated: the N-terminal domain, which harbors motif I, which has the Walker A motif, ASQSGTGKT (residues 65 to 72), blue; the Ia motif, PTRELA (residues 97 to 102), yellow; the GG motif (residues 125 to 126), orange; the TPGR (residues 145 to 148), pink; motif II, which harbors the Walker B DEAD motif (residues 169 to 172), red; and motif III, which harbors SAT (residues 200 to 202), green; the C-terminal motif IV, VIFCNTRR (residues 263 to 270), green; the conserved R motif, arginine-298, purple; the RGID motif in motif V (residues 321 to 324), magenta; and the HRIGRGGR (residues 345 to 352) of motif VI, cyan. (Reprinted from reference 25 with permission of the publisher.) (B) Ribbon representation of the structure of the full-length aIF4A from the archaebacterial M. jannaschii derived from the X-ray diffraction data at 1.8-Å resolution. The C-terminal end of the molecule is shown to the left of the figure. The color designation of domains I to IV is given below the figure. (Reprinted from reference 186 with permission of the publisher.) (C) Ribbon representation of the computer-derived structure of the eubacterial IF4A (W2) protein. Approximately 10% of the amino acid sequence of the N terminus of the protein is missing. The E. coli K-12 protein was patterned after the archaebacterial structure in panel B. The C-terminal end of the molecule is shown to the left of the figure. (D) Surface representation of aIF4A of M. jannaschii with the relative distribution of charged amino acid residues. Positively charged residues are shown in blue, and negatively charged residues are shown in red. The molecule is shown with the N-terminal domain to the left and the C-terminal domain to the right. The figure shows that the C-terminal end of the molecule and the bottom of the N-terminal end and the linker that joins the two domains are basic. This figure was generated by the Swiss Plot program.