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. 2005 Aug 18;5:85. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-5-85

Table 2.

Space devoted to health-related advertising

Square Inches Health-Related Ads

Magazine Type Total Sq. Inches over 3 monthsa Advertising as % of Magazine Space Health-Related Ads as % of All Ad Space % Positive % Negative % Mixed
Mainstream 171,671 49.9 51.9 65.0 17.1 18.0
African American 130,666 47.3 22.4 58.0 28.7 13.3
Hispanic American 135,456 29.5 25.9 48.9 43.7 7.5
Number of Ads All Health-Related Ads

Magazine Type Number of Pages over 3 months Number of Adsb Health-Related Ads as % (N) of all Ads % Positive % Negative % Mixed

Mainstream 2,066 943 50.0 (470) 61.5 17.4 21.1
African American 1,518 684 20.5 (140) 52.9 30.0 17.1
Hispanic American 1,570 466 23.6 (110) 52.7 39.1 8.2

a Magazine pages average 84 square inches

b Some ads are more than one page