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. 1998 Jan;11(1):57–80. doi: 10.1128/cmr.11.1.57


Risk factors associated with S. maltophilia infection

Risk factor References
Prior antibiotic therapy 115, 116, 145, 172, 187, 220, 238, 241, 284, 429, 432, 433, 470
Presence of a central venous catheter 115, 116, 220, 238, 284, 432
Neutropenia or cytotoxic chemotherapy 115, 116, 220, 238, 284, 301, 429
Prolonged hospitalization 116, 220, 238, 241, 429
Admission to an intensive care unit 172, 241, 279
Mechanical ventilation or tracheotomy 145, 172, 220, 241, 433
Underlying diseasea 132, 196, 241, 279, 284, 358
Nonhematologic malignancy 196, 284, 287
Hematologic malignancy 220, 284, 429
Corticosteroid therapy 284, 433
Exposure to patients with S. maltophilia wound infection 433
Transportation to hospital by airplane 433

Includes hepatobiliary, chronic pulmonary, and cardiovascular disease; organ transplantation; dialysis; intravenous drug use; and infection with the human immunodeficiency virus.