Risk factors associated with S. maltophilia infection
Risk factor | References |
Prior antibiotic therapy | 115, 116, 145, 172, 187, 220, 238, 241, 284, 429, 432, 433, 470 |
Presence of a central venous catheter | 115, 116, 220, 238, 284, 432 |
Neutropenia or cytotoxic chemotherapy | 115, 116, 220, 238, 284, 301, 429 |
Prolonged hospitalization | 116, 220, 238, 241, 429 |
Admission to an intensive care unit | 172, 241, 279 |
Mechanical ventilation or tracheotomy | 145, 172, 220, 241, 433 |
Underlying diseasea | 132, 196, 241, 279, 284, 358 |
Nonhematologic malignancy | 196, 284, 287 |
Hematologic malignancy | 220, 284, 429 |
Corticosteroid therapy | 284, 433 |
Exposure to patients with S. maltophilia wound infection | 433 |
Transportation to hospital by airplane | 433 |
Includes hepatobiliary, chronic pulmonary, and cardiovascular disease; organ transplantation; dialysis; intravenous drug use; and infection with the human immunodeficiency virus.